Red Rose Valentines Bouquet
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Red Rose Valentines Bouquet
Premium Red Roses are often undermined by the varieties found in the supermarkets - they aren't long lasting nor are they very big. The roses we source cannot really be compared.
Huge heads, with a massive petal count that give off the most delicate scent. A specialist rose to source, these are grown and imported into the UK, (any red rose this Valentine's will be imported, as February isn't the natural season).
A true gem in the flower world, you can be sure that these incredible roses will impress.
If a single rose bouquet isn't your thing, then we have different choices available this Valentine's Day.
Huge heads, with a massive petal count that give off the most delicate scent. A specialist rose to source, these are grown and imported into the UK, (any red rose this Valentine's will be imported, as February isn't the natural season).
A true gem in the flower world, you can be sure that these incredible roses will impress.
If a single rose bouquet isn't your thing, then we have different choices available this Valentine's Day.
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